Thursday, February 08, 2018

Sensitization at Aditya Birla World Academy

Date: 5th February 2018
Do you love playing? The sensitization of the 2nd graders at Aditya Birla World Academy started with this question and like expected the children were enthusiastic and shouted ‘yes’!!
 What kind of toys should one donate? The answers from the children left us astounded. Very firmly one child responded “we should donate our favorite toys/games to less privileged children and not the ones we do not like playing with”.
It is amazing to see how children understand the value of play and being kind. These students further shared their thoughts about the collection drive held at the school. They were extremely happy and excited to donate their favorite games/toys to Toybank. Ishaan a 7 year old made an incredibly insightful statement, when asked what message would you like Toybank to give children who are less privileged and have not been fortunate enough to even play.
He said, please tell those children “Be happy that you’re born in this world. Don’t feel sad about it. We are there to take care of you and we will make you happy”


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